Thursday, February 18, 2010


Hello frnds dis is ma first blog... :)
n i thought i ll begin it wit one of the most intrstin thing in ma life...

Its been an intrestin midweek of football..
the mightiest of Europe fightin it out to stay put in the the prestigious competition.

Leme start wit d big one at SAN SIRO whch was live..

i thought milan deserved a lil more from d game..
it was a brilliant start dat every 'Rossoneri' wud ve lovd..
wit becks' free kick n rons was a perfect start..
i njoyd it very mch...1 of d reasons being, i havent seen ronaldinho playin lk dis since his days at barca...n 2nd i m a BLUE.....
it was a classy frm the brazilian play maker(if he still is!!!)
Manu wer very shaky in d first half hr o wndr hw can any team have a 3-4 clear chances of scorin against dem..
d intensity was gr8...
manu wer sloppy in der possession n rio was lost...ron was too hot to handle for dem..n den came d bad guy..d away goal..scholes wit a mistimed shot... :) advntg manu..
it was a lil bit of luck-who has mostly clingd by their side..

bt everythin changd as was expctd in d 2nd hf...SIR-ji made a gd change by bringin on valencia for nani(who btw was havin hell of a day)..
as d commentator was tellin abt the goal drought by manu against ac..i had a small intuition dat de wud score... n bang!!!!der was rooneys header past dida, who i guess has pasd his prme....
rooney had a gr8 game..n desrvd d dbl..he is a intlgnt player n has well adoptd the role hes been given aftr the CR7s' departure from old trafford...
so nnw its manus' to loose..
n i hope de loose... :D

The other match was at Stade Gerland with d former lyon boy palyin against dem as a galactico bt only as a sub..i was a bad day for the spanish giants...
day 2- witnesd a very sluggish n indisciplind game btwn porto n gunners, whch btw wnt to d home side...
d intensity was undbtly high for the wrong cudnt watch d whole match.. so nothin to analyze in dat..
bt portos 1st goal was a very ridiculous keeper error..
gunners equilizd with a so(u)l-full header..
n d last game at Allianz Arena. was spoilt by the same guy Tom Henning Ovrebrowho did it last season against d blues..hes nw experiencd in spoilin d game n luks lk he njoys it..
so this was d review..

waitin for nxt week..
it will b a gr8 battle btwn d BLUES n d 'spcl 1'....

this is it..
my first blog finally..
tc njoy